Bird Safaris in Murchison Falls National Park
Bird Safaris in Murchison Falls National Park are ideal for bird lovers especially if you exclusively doing bird watching in Uganda. The national park is a home to over 450 bird species which makes it a birders paradise for the bird lovers with water birds, forest birds, migrant birds and other bird species endemic to the Albertine Rift.
Birding safaris in Murchison falls national park can be combined with the following activities;
Game drives which can be done in the morning or evening in the savannah grassland following different tracks like Queen’s track, Albert track and Buligi game track. Bird species which can be viewed during the game drive include secretary bird, open billed stork, Abyssinian ground hornbill, black bellied bustard, marabou stork, weaver birds among others.
Boat cruise: The national park offers birders two boat trips namely the boat trip upstream to the bottom of the falls and the boat trip downstream to the Victoria Nile delta. During the boat cruise you will be able to view various bird species such as the sought after pre-historic shoebill stork and other water birds such as goliath heron, black headed lapwing, great blue Turaco, African black crake, dwarf kingfisher, blue spotted doves, African jacana, African skimmer, malachite kingfisher, saddle billed stork, fish eagle, Blue headed Coucal, Squacco heron, among others.
Guided nature walk, nature walk is an exciting activity where you will move of the safari vehicle and move on foot as you explore the park with beautiful scenery, vegetation, feel the cool breeze as well as spot different bird species. Nature walk in the park can be done following trails such as swamp trail, along the Nile, Top of the falls, Budongo forest, Kaniyo Pabidi and Rubongo forest. Bird species that can be spotted during the guided nature walk include silver birds, blue napped mouse bird, African pied wagtail, black kite, Fork tailed Drongo, Western Greenbul, Olive breasted Greenbul, yellow footed flycatcher, Guinea Congo, Pygmy Crake, chocolate backed kingfisher, Cassin’s hawk eagle, yellow crested woodpecker, African shrike flycatcher, swamp flycatcher, yellow browed carmaroptera, black and white casqued hornbill, speckled tinker bird, yellow spotted barbet, forest robin, white spotted fluff tail, Ituri Batis, blue throated roller among others.
Best time for birding safaris in Murchison falls national park.
Birding safaris in Murchison falls national park can be done throughout the year. However, the best time for birding in the park is during the dry season in the months of January to march because there will be plenty of bird species. The birding trails in the park can easily be navigated compared to the wet season when the birding trails will be muddy and slippery hence making hiking through the trails difficult. During the dry season in the month of June it’s a breeding season for birds in Murchison falls national park therefore the bird lovers will be able to view colorful bird species on their birding safari.
However bird watching in the park can also be done in the wet season during the months of March to April in that due to heavy rainfalls there will be availability of food and fruits which attract different bird species in the forest. During the month of October to march you will be able to view migratory birds like flamingos, Abdims stork, common teal, Eurasian harrier, northern sholver among others hence making your Murchison falls national park birding safari unforgettable.
What to carry on your birding safari in Murchison Falls national parks.
- A pair of binoculars, binoculars will help you to spot and identify bird species while in the air or up in the trees.
- Camera and extra batteries, a camera will be used to takes pictures of the birds and also capture the moments on your birding safari in the park.
- A field/bird guide book, this guide book will help you to identify different bird species and the destination where they can be spotted therefore you are advised to purchase one when going on your birding safari to Murchison Falls national park.
- Hat and sunglasses, these will protect your skin from direct sun.
- Light clothes and shoes, the clothes should be comfortable to give you freedom during trekking in the forest.
- Energy snack and drinking water to give you energy and also keep you hydrated.
- Rain jacket, since birding will be done in different destinations like Budongo forest it’s important to carry a light rain jacket because it can rain anytime.
- First aid box, the first aid box should contain items like insect repellent, malaria medication among others so as to help you in case you get ill while on a Uganda safari.
- Backpack, this will be used to carry all your birding essentials such as camera, batteries, a pair of binoculars, energy snacks among, field guide book others.